Excellence Archives - 果冻传媒 /blog/tag/excellence/ Educational Excellence - Character Formation - Spiritual Insight Thu, 01 Jul 2021 12:19:10 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 A day in the life of a Teacher /blog/2019/03/07/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-teacher/ Thu, 07 Mar 2019 16:04:49 +0000 /?p=2960 From the moment we walked through the door on our first day at Avanti House Primary School we were immediately greeted with a smile by one of our mentors. We were made to feel welcome by all members of staff and the children as we were taken on a tour around the school. For the [...]

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From the moment we walked through the door on our first day at Avanti House Primary School we were immediately greeted with a smile by one of our mentors. We were made to feel welcome by all members of staff and the children as we were taken on a tour around the school. For the first few days all members of staff were extremely supportive in helping us find our way around and answering any questions that we had.

The Hindu faith has been enlightening and has taught us new ways of thinking. It has been inspiring to witness the children immerse themselves into their morning prayers and meditation as it sets them up for a productive day of learning. It has been evident through assemblies and observing lessons that the values of the school are being upheld. From the beginning, the children have displayed that they have an understanding of how to show empathy, respect and self-discipline. This is evident throughout the day in the way they behave with us, their teachers and their peers. Another value of the school is to maintain a responsible lifestyle through a vegetarian diet, it has been easy to follow this value, as the food (and the portions) are irresistible!

The relationships we have built with our mentors, Rupesh and Lalita, have helped us develop on our journey to becoming Newly Qualified Teachers. We feel completely supported and are able to communicate with them whenever we have any questions; morning, noon or night. The feedback we receive has been hugely informative. This feedback has and will help us to improve our teaching for future lessons.

The Headteacher has been extremely accommodating and we are grateful for the opportunity we have been given and the experiences we have had so far. We look forward to continuing our journey and learning more about life at Avanti House Primary School.


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Top 1% in the country! /blog/2019/02/12/top-1-in-the-country/ Tue, 12 Feb 2019 12:02:51 +0000 /?p=2876 Krishna Avanti Primary School in Harrow聽聽was congratulated by Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP for its exceptional Mathematics results by pupils of Key Stage 2, exceeding聽the national standard and ranking in the top 1% of primary schools across the UK!聽See the full letter below. 聽

The post Top 1% in the country! appeared first on 果冻传媒.

Krishna Avanti Primary School in Harrow聽聽was congratulated by Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP for its exceptional Mathematics results by pupils of Key Stage 2, exceeding聽the national standard and ranking in the top 1% of primary schools across the UK!聽See the full letter below.


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